Okay, the sun is out, now we need some shade
But what awning to choose ?
Awnings come in roughly 3 qualities
1. Hardware store quality
2. Economic range quality
3. Pemium high end quality
1. What do we call the hardware store quality? (Leroy Merlin, Bricomart, Amazon, Bauhaus
etc) These awnings come in standard colours with vinyl fabric. They are
suitable for small areas. Colours will fade after 1 or 2 years. Vinyl fabric started
as the only available awning fabric but is now considered to be outdated.
Pro-shade will not maintain or install these types of awnings.
range awnings. These are the most popular awnings. Installed by professionals. These
awnings come in a standard range of colours with acrylic fabric. They are suitable for all areas. Colours will not fade
and have a lifespan of more than 8 years. These fabrics are often supplied by
Dickson, Sunbrella or Sauleda.
high end awnings. These are high end awnings designed by the best
engineers. Often manufactured in Germany. Pro-shade works amongst others with
Weinor-Griesser and Caravita . You will
find these awnings at Villas, hospitality and office buildings. The most recent
development is that they use high-tech polyester composition fabrics.
sure you buy the right fabric
Awning fabrics are technical textiles. They
are made of either acrylic or polyester fibre. Both materials have their
qualities.. Acrylic is more colour intensive, polyester is said to have higher dimensional
stability. The larger the awning, the more important its stability of form.
1st rule of thumb; polyester for
large awnings. The wider the awning, te faster the fabric
sags. Therefore wide awnings should be made of polyester or polyester
2nd rule of thumb; Acrylic is
the safer choice if the awning is going to be frequently used. This material
has excellent light fastness. For this reason, acrylic is used for sun
protection in hospitality, boats and cabriolet roofs on cars.
more advice you can call us directly at ; +34 644 892 533